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Revionics Thanks Our Retail Heroes

In these extraordinary times, it is particularly important to recognize and celebrate those in our industry who are working tirelessly to keep essential goods and services flowing to customers and communities in need. As the COVID-19 crisis continues to evolve at breakneck speed, I am in awe of the commitment to public service that retailers and their associates are displaying worldwide.

Your willingness to put in long hours, often in close contact with the communities you serve, defines your character. While it may go unsaid or unnoticed in the best of times, your ceaseless dedication to service – to replenishing inventory, stocking shelves and meeting your customers’ needs – is greatly appreciated.

As we work together as a global society to get through the challenges we face, you are true retail heroes that make our lives better in challenging times. And all of us at Revionics say “thank you.”

We will get through this time of crisis and emerge stronger than before. However, we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to every retail hero around the world who has stepped up, and will continue to step up, when we need you most.

Marc Hafner

Chairman and CEO


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