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For the financial year ending 30 September 2024

About Aptos

Aptos Solutions UK Limited (Registered Company No: 10238826), whose registered office is at First Floor Templeback, 10 Templeback, Bristol, United Kingdom BS1 6FL ("Aptos UK", "we" or "us") is part of a wider group of companies, headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia, USA. This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act"), and covers the financial year which ended on 30 September 2024. The Act defines modern slavery as "slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory labour" as well as "human trafficking" ("Modern Slavery").

Aptos is a provider of SaaS and on premise retail management software, focused exclusively on retail including apparel and footwear shops, departmental and merchandise stores, jewellery shops, footwear, grocery and pharmaceutical stores and more.

We provide our clients, who are typically large retailers in the UK, Europe and Asia Pacific, with omni-channel commerce, business analytics, operations management, customer relationship management (CRM), order management and point of sale, which helps them to develop and streamline their operations, and deliver integrated, seamless experiences for their end-customers who are consumers, both instore and online.

Within our business

We are committed to ensuring every individual who engages with us as a contractor or as an employee is afforded fair and equal treatment, and a safe environment in which to work.

All Aptos employees and contractors are required to undertake mandatory training annually to ensure that they comply with our Code of Conduct and Business Ethics ("Code"). The training covers ways to identify ethical breaches and issues, including the prohibition of harassment and discrimination, and highlights the steps that our staff can take if they are concerned about any breach of the Code, including the opportunity to make a report to an anonymous whistleblowing hotline.

Aptos staff are also given training on whistleblowing, regarding serious concerns of breaches of laws, policies or codes. Any reporting that takes place can be done on an anonymous basis if that member of staff so chooses. Our whistleblowing policy is explicitly 'anti-retaliation' - we encourage and enable employees and others to raise serious concerns, without the fear of retaliation. Our strict and effective approach to such concerns being raised means all whistleblowing will be taken seriously and will be promptly investigated.

Our supply chain

Aptos UK and its subsidiaries procure technology hardware, software applications, technology services, consultancy and other services from its suppliers who are mainly based in the UK, Europe, India and North America. Aptos expects that its suppliers and partners will not tolerate any form of exploitation in their business or any part of their supply chain.

We seek to partner with suppliers that adopt the same strict standards that we adhere to ourselves. We expect our suppliers to operate fair and ethical workplaces, where workers are treated with dignity and respect. The Code outlines the basic ethical requirements to which suppliers must adhere to, to do business with us, including the prohibition of harassment and discrimination of its personnel.

Plans to help increase efforts to tackle Modern Slavery

We are committed to continuously improving our practices in order to help increase the efforts to tackle Modern Slavery within our business, and the wider business community. As part of that commitment, we will:

  • Ensure appropriate due diligence assessments are made in order to help mitigate the risk of the presence of Modern Slavery within our day to day business operations;
  • Continue to monitor and review our Code to ensure the expectations we have of both Aptos staff and our clients, vendors and partners remain high and in line with relevant legal standards and/ or government-issued guidance;
  • Engage with our clients, vendors and partners to include appropriate ethics and Modern Slavery obligations in our contracts.

This Modern Slavery Statement has been approved internally by those individuals named as company directors of Aptos Solutions UK Limited as of 1 October 2024.

Zaki Hassan
Director of Aptos Solutions UK Limited