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Breaking the mold with AI-powered promotions

Promotions management has forever been one of retail pricing’s most challenging tasks, leaving most retailers running the same old promotions season after season with little insight into the full impact of those offers.

But with Revionics' best-in-retail AI, you can break free of limiting promotions technologies, optimize your promotions strategy and maximize the impact of every offer.

Check out our interactive guide to learn how the Revionics Promotions Planning and Optimization solution can help you unlock complex, omnichannel, personalized and inventory-aware promotions, including:

  • Optimize your promotion plans with targeted outcomes and AI-based recommendations
  • Measure the impact of your promos before, during and after they run
  • Drive more customers into your stores and improve market positioning with promotions designed with your competitors’ pricing in mind
  • Bring more weight to the negotiating table and make the most of every vendor dollar
  • Build tight collaboration and efficient execution of all those promotions with integrated cross-departmental workflows 

View the guide